Ready or not, the count-down is on

Ready or not, the count-down toward the last day of school is underway. As the year wraps up, lots of events are on the elementary calendar. A summary of those activities from the April elementary newsletter follow:

CALAMITY DAYS: Bluffton schools have scheduled Thursday, April 18, and Thursday, May 30, as make-up days because the school used more than five calamity days this year. Additional days missed will be added on to the end of the school year.  

TESTING DAYS:  Students in grades 3-5 will take the Ohio State Math tests on April 10-11.  Fifth grade students will take the Ohio State Science tests on April 24-25.  

BOOK FAIR WEEK: Spring book fair week is April 29 through May 3. Hours are 8 3 p.m. Family night is Tuesday, April 30, from 6-8 p.m. This book fair is a Buy One/Get One Free (BOGO). The book fair will close at 2 p.m. on Friday. All proceeds provide books and materials for the school library.

S.M.A.R.T. WEEK: “S.M.A.R.T.” week starts May 6. The acronym letters stand for S-Social Studies, M-Math, A-Arts & Fitness, R- Reading, and T-Technology & Science.  

Students will participate in special activities each day.
• On “Social Studies Day” students in each grade work on a special project.  
• “Math Day” includes math competitions at each grade level. 
• “Arts & Fitness Day” features “Field Day” at Harmon Field.
• On “Reading Day” is a reading marathon; students work on reading activities.
• On “Technology & Science Day” students research and perform scientific experiments.   

April calendar
Monday-Wednesday, 8-10th – Kindergarten screening – elementary gym
Wednesday-Thursday, 10-11th - Ohio State Math Testing – Grades 3-5           Friday, 12th - Fourth Grade Incentive – Southgate Lanes
Wednesday, 17th - Fourth Grade – Lion & Lamb visit
Thursday, 18th - School in session – make-up day    

April 19-22nd - No school – Spring break  
Wednesday-Thursday, 24-25th - Science State Testing - Grade 5
Wednesday, 24th - First Grade-Herman Woodlands/Lima (Combs & Dunlap)
Wednesday, 24th - Kindergarten–Lion & Lamb                                
Thursday, 25th - First Grade-Herman Woodlands/Lima (Huffman & Steinmetz)
Thursday, 25th - Kindergarten-Safety City (Fritsch & Yarnell)

Friday, 26th - First Grade – Shawnee Elmwood – Pen Pals p.m.
Friday, 26th - Kindergarten-Safety City (Butte & Warner)
Friday, 26th - Midterms go home with students

Monday-Friday, 29-3rd - Spring book fair – Elementary library
Monday, 29th - Kindergarten-Safety City (Steiner)
Tuesday, 30th - Kindergarten-Safety City (Buddelmeyer)
Tuesday, 30th - Book fair family night – Elementary library 6-8 p.m.