First quarter 2019 building permits below 2018

First quarter 2019 building permits are attached below this story.

First quarter 2019 Bluffton building permits show construction projects in the village reached one-half million dollars. The exact amount is $531,200.

Seven permits were issued from Jan. 2, to March 31, according to Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator.

These range from one new home construction, one pool installation to driveways, a building demolition, signs, a fence and a handicap ramp.

While the 2019 dollar amount may sound impressive, it is smaller than the first quarter of 2018 when 15 building permits totaled $11.8 million.

However, Grob Systems building accounted for $10 million of last year’s $11.8 million figure.

Even so, without the Grob project, last year’s first quarter reached $1,813,309 compared to $531,200 this year.

Building permits are required for the following:
• Construction or structural alternation of any building, including accessory building
• Change in use of an existing building or accessory building to a use of different classification
• Occupancy and use of vacant land
• Change in the use of land to a use of a different classification
• Any change in the use of a non-conforming use