Update from Bluffton Cattle Club

The Bluffton Cattle Club met Here is the club's news, as reported by Landon Selhorst:

On Sunday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. we will be having the chicken BBQ at the Bluffton Middle School. Cattle club members - be sure to wear your 4-H shirt.

And congratulations to the cattle club for selling 237 BBQ tickets. See a
Bluffton Cattle Club Member if you still want tickets.

We are going to the State Fair Wednesday, July 31. We will be wearing matching shirts. Try to fit as many people in your car as possible and meet at the main entrance at 10 a.m.
We will be at the Mennonite Memorial Home at 6 p.m. on July 18.

Demonstrations that took place at the July 7th meeting are as follows:
Yours truly on how to raise chickens properly and how to publish a story board.
Elizabeth showed us a color wheel.
Seth showed use what to feed a cow/steer.
Clare showed us how to hold and throw a softball properly.
Riley showed us how to castrate.
Branson showed how to wash steers daily.
And finally, Branson did a safety report on wearing a seat belt.  Buckle in,
because that's the end.