Rick Skilliter named PASS executive director

Retired Bluffton police chief, Rick Skilliter, became executive director of PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Services), a non-profit organization serving Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties. The appointment was made on July 1.

PASS serves area communities through the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin counties.

PASS is expanding its footprint in Ohio as a certified prevention agency. According to a PASS news release, the addition of Skilliter allows for continuity of programming during that expansion.

Skilliter started with PASS in 2017 and became associate director to assist with management and planning.

The PASS focus is not new to the former Bluffton police chief. During his time in the Bluffton police department he participated in a peer-led initiative to provide support and stabilization to colleagues affected by critical incidents.

He also served as a coordinator for a critical incident stress management team. Through those efforts the team grew into an all-hazards response team. It now provides peer support, support to schools, and community groups affected by tragedy.

About PASS
PASS (formerly PVFF) was created in 2001 through a grant from the Anthem Foundation of Ohio.  

It began as a coalition of individuals representing over 50 organizations in Allen County. Serving the community through the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties, PASS provides education, programming, and resource referral to critical issues. 

PASS supports evidence-based programs in each of the prevention focus areas of child abuse, alcohol and other drugs, mental illness, suicide and problem gambling. 

Support groups are open to all and are offered free of cost. Postvention services are available to families and groups in times of tragedy or untimely deaths. 

The mission statement for PASS is “Supporting safer and healthier communities through awareness, education, and prevention.”

PASS accomplishes this mission by initiating community awareness, providing public education, providing training to professionals, and bringing best practice programs to the Allen, Auglaize and Hardin County areas.

Priority concerns addressed by PASS include family violence, bullying, suicide, mental wellness and problem gambling.

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