Here's the road work schedule on I-75 and US 30 next week

Here's what you need to know about I-75 and U.S. 30 road work for the week beginning Sept. 16 as it affects local traffic patterns.

Interstate 75 - Hancock County
Interstate 75 northbound at Hancock county Road 99, Findlay, will experience shoulder closures through the work zone for erosion repair at the interchange.

All ramps at the interchange are expected to be maintained throughout the project. Work is being performed by Miller Contracting Group, Inc., Ottoville.

Interstate 75 between the Allen County line and the city of Findlay will be restricted to one lane in each direction through the work zone for pavement joint repairs. Work is being performed by the ODOT Hancock County maintenance garage.

Interstate 75 - Allen County
Interstate 75 between the Stewart Road overpass and Napoleon Road, between the city of Lima and the village of Beaverdam, will be restricted to one lane in both directions for a pavement resurfacing project.

The project also includes repairs on the ramps at the Bluelick Road interchange and on the bridges over Sugar Creek. Lane restrictions will be in place each week from Monday morning to Friday afternoon.

Two lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction on weekends. Work will continue through early October. Variable speed limit signs will be in place to display the legal, posted speed limit through the work zone.

Work is being performed by the Shelly Company, Findlay.

The following ramp closures are associated with the project:
• Interstate 75 southbound entrance and exit ramps at Bluelick Road are expected to close Tuesday, Sept. 24, for approximately four days for pavement resurfacing. The ramps are expected to reopen in the afternoon hours of Friday, Sept. 27.

• Interstate 75 southbound entrance ramp at Bluelick Road traffic will be detoured onto Interstate 75 northbound and the Napoleon Road interchange back to Interstate 75 southbound.

• Interstate 75 southbound exit ramp at Bluelick Road traffic will be detoured onto Interstate 75 southbound, the state Route 81 interchange, and Interstate 75 northbound back to Bluelick Road.

U.S. 30 - Allen County
U.S. 30 eastbound at the state Route 696 interchange, Beaverdam, will be restricted to one lane through the work zone for pavement repair. Work is being performed by the Shelly Company, Findlay.

U.S. 30 at state Route 696, Beaverdam, and at Bentley Road will be restricted to one lane in each direction through the work zone for erosion repair. All ramps at state Route 696 are expected to be maintained throughout the project.

Work is being performed by Miller Contracting Group, Inc., Ottoville.