Planning commission gets Parkview development phase II update

Bluffton’s village planning commission, meeting Nov. 4, discussed phase II of the Parkview subdivision and also zoning along Jefferson Street between the railroad and county line.

Members of the planning commission are Mayor Richard Johnson, Bob Amstutz, Roger Edwards and Dick Ramseyer. Also attending were Jesse Blackburn, village administrator, and Mitch Kingsley, council representative.

Click here for the initial announcement of the development.

The meeting included a presentation from Derek Snyder. He provided preliminary lot drawings and discussed design elements for phase II of the Parkview subdivision.

His presentation included a brief summary of phase I of the development. Concerning phase II, the discussion focused on lot design and size, common open space requirements and sanitary sewer design for future development.

Focusing next on Jefferson Street, member of the commission discussed the residential area now zoned as a I-II General Industrial District.

It was decided that there is a need for community visioning and possible mixed-issued zoning districts in that area of the village.

Blackburn was asked to gather additional information from the regional planning and other sources and a follow-up public meeting will be set for further discussion of the zoning options.