Icon announces area Christmas Eve services

Here are Bluffton area church services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. For churches not listed, send information to: [email protected].

Bluffton Presbyterian
112 N. Main St. – Tuesday, Dec. 24: 6:30 p.m. musical prelude;  7 p.m. cantata service.
Ebenezer Mennonite
8905 Columbus Grove Road – Tuesday, Dec. 24: 4 and 6 p.m.
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
8375 Phillips Road – 6 p.m., family service; 9 p.m. candlelight service.
English Lutheran
111 Grove St - 7 p.m. candlelight service; 11 p.m. candlelight service with strings ensemble music.
First Mennonite
101 S. Jackson St. – Tuesday, Dec. 24: 6:30 p.m. candlelight service. The service will include a dramatization of the nativity story, carol singing and candle lighting. The offering will benefit the Deacons Benevolent fund.  
First United Methodist
115 Church St. – Tuesday, Dec. 24: 6:30 p.m., pre-service music, 7 p.m. candlelight service.
Rockport United Methodist
Tuesday, Dec. 24: 6:30 p.m., pre-service music, 7 p.m. candlelight service at First United Methodist church
St. John’s United Church of Christ
223 W. College Ave - Tuesday, Dec. 24: 3:45 p.m., pre-service; 4 p.m. candlelight service with communion.
St. Mary’s Catholic
160 N. Spring St. –  Tuesday, Dec. 24: 4 p.m. Children's mass, 10 p.m. mass. Wednesday, Dec. 25: 10 a.m. mass
St. John Mennonite
15988 Road 4, Pandora, Christmas Eve candlelight service, 8 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran
301 N. Main St., Jenera – Tuesday, Dec. 24: 7 p.m. service. Wednesday, Dec. 25, 9:30 a.m. service.