Rev. Thomas Holmes serving as First United Methodist interim pastor

Rev. Thomas M. Holmes of Lima, is serving as interim pastor of First United Methodist Church. In addition, he is interim pastor at Rockport United Methodist.

He is the retired executive director of Covenant Ministry Services, Lima, and as a United Methodist clergy, has served in interim pastorates in Paulding, Payne and Forest Park, Lima.

Rev. Holmes grew up in Cleveland and holds several degrees, including a bachelor’s of microbiology from Ohio State, a master's of divinity from Northern Seminary, an American Baptist seminary in Chicago, and a doctorate of ministry in pastoral care and counseling from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

He said that his primary profession includes 30 years in faith-based counseling, having worked in Lima since 1989.

He and his wife, Norene, have three grown children, Beverly, Katy and Ian. Norene holds a master’s in applied linguistics and is an instructor to persons in English as a second language.

Rev. Holmes replaces Rev. Tim Wilmetti, who served as pastor since September, 2015.