Three confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Dr. Amy Action, Director of the Ohio Department of Health announced that there are three confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ohio, all in Cuyahoga County. 

Governor DeWine also declared a State of Emergency, which he described as a necessary legal step that enables government to do what is necessary to respond quickly, and also makes it easier to procure needed supplies. 

According to Allen County Health Commissioner Kathy Luhn, “This is what we have expected.  We continue to work with our local and state partners to protect our community.”

Commissioner Luhn also added, “It’s important for people to understand that the general public is still at low risk.  As we’ve learned more about COVID-19, there are some high risk populations we need to protect.”

Populations with a high risk include: Individuals over age 60; and people with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart or lung disease.  

Individuals with high risk should avoid crowds. To help protect persons in the higher risk groups, individuals with low risk should refrain from visiting them in settings such as long-term healthcare centers, and pay special attention to everyday precautions we can all take to lessen the spread of COVID-19:

·Stay home from work or school if you are ill

·Wash your hands often

·Cough or sneeze into your sleeve

·Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and

·stay away from people who are ill.

Allen County Public Health, the Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control continue to update their websites to provide accurate and timely information to the public regarding COVID-19 at

Two additional sites are:, and

The Ohio Department of Health has also opened a call center for COVID-19 questions that is available from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. The number for the call center is 833 4ASK ODH.