"Determining a plan of action to continue educating students"



Greg Denecker, Bluffton schools superintendent, issued the following letter  to parents, students staff and the community concerning the COVIC-19.

As you know there has been a lot of information in the news, online and in various other media outlets concerning COVID-19. There are many questions surrounding K-12 schools, as many universities in the state have gone to an online setting for learning.

We will continue to work with and seek guidance from the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio Department of Health, the Allen County Health Department and the National Center for disease Control.

At the bottom of this letter is a link to each of those entities. We are determining a plan of action to continue educating students in the best way possible if we would need to close for a period of time.

This will likely be some type of online/electronic education format, depending on the grade level. Subject matter will determine the exact format.

You can follow these standard precautions to prevent the spread of infectious disease:
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
• Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
• What your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

We continue to disinfect high-touch areas each day and have emphasized this with our custodians.

We know that this topic can raise anxiety levels, but we encourage everyone to remain calm and well informed.

Taking proactive steps in prevention and preparation can possibly ease some of the anxiety. 

CLICK HERE for the Ohio Department of Health for more information and resources regarding the virus available.

 In addition, Ohio has set up a COVID-19 hotline at 833-427-5634.

We realize we are in uncharted waters; however, we will look to provide the very best education possible given the circumstances. We will continue to keep the health and safety of our students as our highest priority.

Thank you for your support and patience as we monitor the situation. We will provide updates as needed.

Here are additional website with information:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Allen County Public Health Department

Ohio Department of Education

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