Senior Center announces cancellations

The following activities at the Bluffton Senior Center have been canceled because of the COVID-19 virus concerns

• Pancake Day on March 21

• Community meals on March 19 and April 2

• Bingo with Good Samaritan on March 16 and April 20

"We hope to keep our doors open for those who are healthy for as long as possible, but we will continue to make decisions about programs on a daily basis," said Tonya Meyer, Center director.

The following is the policy the Center has put into place:

Bluffton Senior Center Policy for COVID-19 virus outbreak

Because of the chance of serious complications to senior citizens’ with the contraction of the corona virus, it seems necessary to put a policy in place in the event that the virus has a strong presence in our area. 

In the event that any school in Allen, Putnam, Hancock or Hardin county closes due to the COVID-19 virus, all scheduled activities at the Bluffton Senior Center will be canceled.

The Senior Center will remain open so that members may use the on-site resources (books, puzzles and videos in the lending library, the exercise equipment in the back room, the free Wi-Fi).

Volunteers would be able to spend time helping out as well as long as they are healthy. The Senior Center asks that anyone who shows any sign of illness, (cold, flu or fever) to stay at home. 

In the event that all schools in the area are closed due to the COVID-19, the Senior Center will close.

If 50% of the staff become ill with the virus, the Senior Center will close. If the Health Department deems it necessary, the Senior Center will close. If possible, healthy staff will take turns coming in to answer phones during normal business hours but the doors will remain locked. 

The Center will handle trips on an individual basis.