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Ryan Burkholder, Bluffton police chief, experiences all types of situations in his job with the police department. Here’s a recent note the Icon received from him – it’s good news story:

In the last few weeks, we have been challenged in many different aspects of life such as our normal routines, our jobs, and our beliefs. 

I would like to share with you some recent moments of generosity, honesty, and unselfishness.  

As I was making my rounds, I walked into Community Market and immediately noticed the store’s staff, cashiers, baggers, stockers and managers, working as fast as humanly possible to wait on customers in a timely fashion despite the long lines. 

I cannot help but think that they may have been worried there may not be enough for their own family but continued to assist customers. 

Later that evening at Community Market I observed the kindness of a customer as that customer paid for an elderly customer’s groceries.

Recently, I took a report at the police station. A man from the local area had found a purse with a large amount of cash. He wanted to be sure the woman whom it belonged to got it back safely. 

In reporting the found purse, a mother is still able to pay her rent.

I am certain there are, and have been, many more instances of generosity, honesty, and unselfishness. 

These are just a few I have seen or witnessed and wanted to share, especially in this time of uncertainty, examples of what makes our community such a wonderful place to call home.  

Do you have a good news story to share with Icon viewers? Send to: [email protected]