Bluffton council meets tonight via Zoom

Bluffton’s first council meeting since March 18 will take place tonight (Monday, April 13), at 7 p.m.

The meeting’s arrangement is a first for the village. It will take place via Zoom video and audio conferencing and will be broadcast on the third floor of the town hall.

According to Kevin Nickel, village fiscal officer, there will be a limit of 10 persons who may attend the meeting in person.

To request an invitation contact Jesse Blackburn, village administrator, at [email protected].

Brian Lloyd, assistant village administrator, will be the only person from the village actually present in the town hall. All other village officials will be in attendance using Zoom, Blackburn told the Icon.

The agenda is light. It includes passing bills and acting on pending legislation.

The March 18 council meeting was also a first for the village. It was a “stand up” meeting with council member present in the police garage behind the town hall. That meeting involved passage of bills.

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