Bluffton Hospital helping BFR

Bluffton Hospital has donated funds to provide meals to the Bluffton Family Recreation 2020 Summer Kids’ Camp.

The meals will feed children ages 5-12 enrolled in BFR’s program, each week throughout the summer.

“BFR summer camp provides children with the opportunity to experience a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Keeping the children active, it is important to have nutritious meals,” said Daniel Tinch, executive director of Bluffton Family Recreation. 

“We are thankful that Bluffton Hospital has provided our campers access to healthy foods throughout their busy summer.”

Nicole Keuneke, director of operations at Bluffton Hospital said, “We are grateful to team up with the BFR to supply meals to children at the summer camp for yet another year. 

“Providing healthy meals to a program that keeps children active is just part of Bluffton Hospital’s role in caring for the health of the community.”

Bluffton Hospital is a division of Blanchard Valley Health System.