Mask mandate in Bluffton and Allen County in effect at 6 p.m. today

Bluffton and all Allen County residents are mandated to wear masks in public beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, July 17, announced Ohio Governor DeWine.

The mandate is a result of Allen County’s upgrade to Red Alert Level 3. 

Risk Level 3 means there is very high exposure and spread. Residents should limit activities as much as possible to reduce their risk of exposure. Residents must follow all current health orders established by Gov. DeWine. 

As of July 15, Allen County COVID19 data triggered five of the seven Alert Indicators: 
· NEW CASES PER CAPITA ­- During the last 14 days, 76 COVID-19 cases have been identified which represents 20% of the total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic. 

· PROPORTION OF CASES NOT IN CONGREGATE CARE SETTINGS – In recent weeks over 88% of cases in Allen County are not in congregate settings (such as long-term care facilities), signaling significant spread in the broader community. 

· SUSTAINED INCREASE IN EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS –  Between June 23 and July 11, visits for COVID-19 to the emergency departments grew from an average of .8 visits per day to nearly 4 per day. 

· SUSTAINED INCREASE IN OUTPATIENT VISITS – Between June 23 and July 13, average outpatient visits grew from 2 to 11.5 visits per day. 

· SUSTAINED INCREASE IN NEW COVID-19 HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS – New hospitalization rates have not decreased, and are on a pace to exceed previous months. 

The announcement by the Allen County Health Department stated that contact tracers attribute the increasing spread of COVID-19 to residents having large family gatherings, travelling to high-risk parts of the country and returning to Allen County, and a rising non-compliance with quarantine and isolation guidelines issued to residents that have tested positive for coronavirus or who have been exposed to a person who has tested positive. 

Face Coverings Mandated Per Governor Mike DeWine’s orders, residents and visitors in counties designated as Red Alert Level 3 or Purple Alert Level 4 are required to wear a face covering: 

• In any indoor location that is not a residence
• When outdoors and unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet or more from individuals who are not members of their household; or

• While waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, a taxi, a private car service, or a ride-sharing vehicle. 

• The order does not apply to children under the age of 10 or any other minor who cannot safely wear a face covering. The order also reflects the mask guidance in place for employees and businesses which does not require a person to wear a mask if their physician advises against it, if wearing a mask is prohibited by federal regulation, if communicating with the hearing impaired, when alone in an office or personal workspace, and other similar measures. 

Allen County Public Health recommends that residents and visitors take time to reconsider plans for events and activities that may put themselves and others at risk.

Allen County Cases of COVID-19
Total cases: 410 (347 confirmed, 63 probable)
Current cases: 144
(People who are currently ill and being monitored by Allen County Public Health)

Hospitalizations: 83
Deaths: 41  (33 confirmed, 8 probable)
Age range: Cases are in all age range categories (0-80+)

Presumed recovered: 246
(Defined as cases with a symptom onset date of more than 21 days prior who are not deceased.).

There are 70,601 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 3,103 confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 9,324 people have been hospitalized, including 2,280 admissions to intensive care units. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting 

For more information on Ohio's response to COVID-19, visit or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.

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