Bluffton Senior Center reopens

Bluffton Senior Citizens Center is now open.

The center, at 132 N. Main St., is open, thanks to permission from the Allen County Health Department. Here’s an update from the August newsletter.

• Shop: Only 4 people in the store area at a time and masks are required.

• Lending library: Returned material will be kept for five days, sanitized and then returned to the shelves. One person in the book area at a time. One person in the video area at a time. One person in the puzzle area at a time.

• Exercise equipment: The center has two exercise bikes and a treadmill. One person may use the equipment at a time. Persons may remove masks while working out. Area will be sanitized following use.

• Crafts: Call ahead if you wish to come in. Areas will be set up for safe distancing.

• Programs: The center does not have permission to hold programs at this time, other than the toenail clinic. The next clinic is at 10 a.m., Monday, Sept. 28. Appointments are required by calling 419-358-8971.

• Community meals: Working on a plan for drive-thru meals. Watch the Icon for updates.

Additional information is provided in the August newsletter attached below.

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