What you need to know about Bluffton elementary reopen plans
This is the first in a three part series of Bluffton school reopen plans by building.
By Tim Closson,
elementary school principal
As students return to Bluffton Exempted Village Schools this fall, we want to provide the most effective and safest learning environment for our students and staff.
Our goal is to do everything possible to make students feel less anxious. However, as with all other areas, the school environment will be different. Please refer to Dr. Denecker’s letter to parents dated Aug. 18 on the school’s website.
The letter describes how students will be onsite Monday through Thursday and learn remotely on Friday. During this time, parents may choose online learning five days per week.
This letter addresses specifics such as food service, transportation, classroom expectations, recess, remote learning and various miscellaneous items.
The information below will provide general operating guidelines and address Bluffton Elementary plans for reopening the 2020-21 school year.
As you are aware, these guidelines can change as this COVID-19 crisis changes. We will keep you informed of changes as soon as possible. If you do not have the school alert system app, please install this on your phone.
You will need to visit the school’s website at www.blufftonschools.org to sign up. On the website’s home page, under the “Parents” heading, click on “Parent Alert System” and follow the simple steps to subscribe to alerts. Feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.
Face covering
Masks are required for all students.
Masks are required for all students that ride a bus.
Mask breaks will be given for short periods of time when students can walk outside and/or be socially distant in an inside area.
Universal Safety Precautions
All staff and students will be required to have their temperature checked at the beginning of each day. Any person with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will be sent to the nurse for further examination.
Hand sanitizer will be available in high traffic areas and classrooms. Handwashing for 20 seconds will be encouraged.
Signs, posters, and other methods to reinforce the importance of frequent hand washing/sanitizing and proper prevention strategies will be posted throughout the building.
Cleaning protocols are established paying close attention to high touch areas and shared materials.
The sharing of supplies and materials will be minimized to the extent possible with all shared items being sanitized between each use.
Water fill stations have been installed. Drinking fountains have been disconnected. Please send in a water bottle for your child.
Safety protocols for sanitizing the classroom will be followed by teachers and staff.
Each student area will be sanitized before and after students exchange classes (library, gym,fourth & fifth grades).
Students will be spaced out as far as possible.
Seating assignments will be consistent to assist in contact tracing.
Students will sanitize their hands before and after recess.
The playground will be divided into separate areas so that classrooms will stay together and assist in contact tracing.
Recess times are scheduled so there is time in between dismissal and returning in from recess.
Playground equipment will be sanitized on a regular basis.
One student at a time may use the restroom during class time.
Teachers will designate times/protocols for students using restroom before/after recess.
Students will use hand sanitizer from their classroom before and after using the restroom.
Art/Music/Physical Education/Library
Art and Music teachers will travel to each classroom to conduct their class.
Students will not share art materials and supplies with other students.
In music, any instruments for use will be sanitized before and after using.
Physical education and library will be held in their designated areas and will follow safety requirements of sanitizing their area after and before student arrival.
Main Office Visits Procedures/Visitors
Parents may pick up their child at the elementary entrance.
Parents may drop off of materials or supplies by placing in a drop box outside the entrance.
Visitors are not permitted unless approved by the principal.
Meet the Teacher and Open House
“Meet the Teacher” and Open House are cancelled for this school year.
Kindergarten students and parents will have brief orientation days announced by the teachers.
Teachers will be posting a video introducing themselves and their classrooms.
The following entrances are to be used: K & 1 enter on Lawn Avenue, grades 2 & 3 enter at the elementary front entrance, and grades 4 & 5 enter on Jackson Street at the 5th grade addition.
If a student in grades 2 - 5 is crossing the road, he/she must do so at the main crossing. School begins at 8:10 a.m. School entrances will be open at 7:30 a.m. If possible, please do not drop students off at school before 7:45 a.m.
Parents & adults are not permitted to enter the building unless granted permission by the principal.
Students will be dismissed by grade level at alternating times. Students walking home or being picked up will depart out of the front of the building, with grades 4 & 5 departing out of the fifth grade addition at Jackson Street doors, grades K & 1 departing from the middle school entrance, and grades 2 & 3 departing out the main entrance front doors. Any K-1 student that is not picked-up by 3:10 p.m. will be escorted back and will wait at the elementary main entrance.
Parents are not permitted to enter the building unless granted permission from the principal.
Breakfast/Lunch/Birthday treats
Students will sanitize their hands before and after lunch.
Assigned seating (by student and classroom) will be required at lunch.
Grades K, 1 and 2 will eat as the only grade level in the cafetorium.
Grades 3-5 will eat in classrooms.
Breakfast will be available for students in the cafetorium that arrive before 8 a.m.
No self-service foods or pump condiments. Individual packaged condiments will be served.
No visitors will be permitted to eat with students.
Birthday treats will be permitted as long as they are prepackaged from the store. Home made teats and non-prepackaged items are not permitted and will not be served.
Remote learners can pick up lunch in the cafetorium from 12-12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Fridays. Lunches are served for everyone-those who purchase and those who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Masks are required by bus drivers and all students.
Hand sanitizing stations are on each bus. Students need to utilize when entering the bus.
Disposable masks will be provided to students if they forget their mask.
Students will be assigned to seats. They will not be allowed to change seats once seated.
Siblings will sit together.
Windows may be opened to allow for fresh air ventilation.
Cleaning and sanitizing protocols will be followed. Seats and high-touch surfaces (handrails,aisles, and windows) will be sanitized.
Field Trips are suspended until it is deemed safe to schedule.
Progress Book
All student (online and in school) grades will be updated weekly on Progress Book in grades 1-5.
Letters will be mailed to parents explaining how to log in to monitor your child’s grades.
Remote or Online Learning:
The online, alternative education plan will be comparable to in-person instruction. Students will be required and responsible for completing and turning in assignments on the assigned date given by a Bluffton certified teacher.
Google Classroom will be used as the remote learning platform for all classes.
Our goal is to transfer what we are doing in the classroom on a daily basis (in person) to the online setting for our remote learners. Students will be expected to complete five lessons per week in Math and Language Arts. Science and Social Studies lessons will also be posted on a weekly basis. Art, Music and Physical Education activities will be posted weekly per grade level.
Parents of online learners may pick up a chrome book and required text books at the elementary school on Wednesday, Aug. 26, from 1 until 6 p.m. or Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27 and 28, from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.
We will need to work together to make this a positive learning experience for our students. Communication is paramount to create a successful learning environment. Please contact teachers, the elementary office, or myself if you have any questions.
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