Letter:  What we deserve in a president

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We the people deserve:

 A President who will demonstrate national leadership and moral courage in times of crisis.

A President who will engage with world organizations for the betterment of all people.

A President who will not assault the truth and facts and who will value a free press and independent judiciary as essential to the survival of democracy.

A President who will encourage voters and safe guard our electoral process.

A President who will respect the Constitution and the civil liberties of the citizens and who will seek to make our country a safer place to live no matter what our skin color or beliefs.

A President who encourages freedom of speech because protesting is not disloyalty.

A President who believes in health care for every American.

A President who will work toward a clean environment.

A President who will promote a legislative road to citizenship for immigrants, building a bridge to freedom, human rights and dignity.

A President who will put the public good ahead of self-interest.

May we seek constructive policies and place them ahead of political parties, governing from the middle where compromise can be reached. This approach has served our country well in the past and it can again, now and in the future.

To quote President John F. Kennedy: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past, let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”

Please vote on Nov. 3, 2020.

John M. Pilarowski
10410 Bixel Road