Ben Kruse wins the Icon's Golden Globe contest

Ben Kruse, formerly of Bluffton and now of Cary, North Carolina, is the winner of the Bluffton Icon Golden Globe contest. He made seven correct selections and one correct tie breaker.

He wins a 1-item, 12-inch Padrone's Pizza, which he wants the Icon to give to Nancy Schweingruber (we will follow his instructions - rather than driving the pizza to North Carolina).

The Golden Globe contest had 25 entries.

Just to update Icon viewers on Ben, he is financial controller of Goodberry Creamery. It manufactures and sells frozen custard in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area.

He adds: Along with all financial responsibilities, I occasionally come up with new flavor ideas, which requires a lot of taste testing.  My latest flavor of double fudge brownie didn't develop as I had planned.  So I've been eating it for months.  Doesn't make sense to waste it.

We asked: Do you really own a Tesla? 

He answered: Yes, I've owned two. Originally the Model S, and now the Model 3.  I absolutely love driving electric cars, and never going to gas stations. I charge every night after work, and wake up to about 230 miles (and charge it to about 75% of capacity.)  I don't see myself owning anything but electric again.   

It's also important to note that we asked him if there was anything else important that we should mention about him. Here goes:

Supposedly I'm related to two presidents, William H. Harrision, and Benjamin Harrision.  My mother, Paula, claims there's proof in a lock box in some rural town in Ohio. 

"...sure, Mom (eye-roll), in a lock box." 

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