Community shred day April 30

Citizens National Bank celebrates Community Banking Month in April.

Each CNB office is giving away a gift basket including local items from each of its branch communities.

Anyone who visits a branch in April may enter to win the community gift baskets valued at more than $150 each. Entries may also be made online at the bank’s website, The drawing will be held Friday, April 30.

Also, each branch office will host a Community Shred Day on Friday, April 30.

The public is invited to bring personal paper documents to be shredded. Refreshments will be served at each branch during Shred Day. Masks and social distancing will be required.

Items to be shredded will be accepted during normal business hours of each office. There is a limit of three standard office-size boxes or grocery bags per household. Items to be shredded could include:

Financial statements

Canceled and blank checks

Paycheck stubs

Credit card and account numbers

Personal records and tax records

Medical records

Any items containing Social Security number or signature

Any mail or magazines that have personal identifiers

No need to remove staples or paper clips