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Bluffton girls best Coldwater

By Cort Reynolds

The visiting Bluffton girls soccer team bested Coldwater 4-1 Saturday afternoon.

The Lady Pirate kickers improved to 3-2 after the convincing non-conference victory. The Lady Cavaliers fell to 4-2 with the defeat.

Ella Armstrong scored in the 19th and 36th minutes to give the Pirates a 2-0 halftime lead. Kendal Giesige assisted the first goal.

Sami Scoles extended the lead to 3-0 with a score in the 44th minute. Makayla Schweingruber added the final Pirate goal in the 61st minute.

Allison Diller dished out assists on the second and third Pirate goals.

Brianna Keller tallied the lone Coldwater score.

The Pirate defense held the Cavs to four shot attempts, two of which were on goal. Bluffton goalkeeper Julia Mehaffie made one save. 

The Pirates fired 13 of their 33 shots on goal.

The Bluffton girls host league foe Crestview (3-1, 0-0 NWC) Tuesday, Sept. 7.
