Dillinger program presented September 21

This event is POSTPONED due to storm forecast.

The public is invited to a presentation on John Dillinger’s Bluffton bank robbery given by Fred Steiner at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 21, in the Bluffton Presbyterian Church gazebo, 112 N Main.

The program is the monthly meeting of the Western Ohio Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association, according to Scott Little, event organizer.

Dillinger and his gang entered Citizens National Bank at noon on Aug. 14, 1933, and robbed it of $2,100, which would hold a value today of about $40,000. He was known as America’s first “Public Enemy No. 1." His gang killed at least ten people.

Steiner’s talk will include accounts from Ted Biery, Bluffton News editor, and Harry Bogart, both eye-witnesses to the robbery.

In addition, Steiner will share several other stories told to him by Bluffton residents related to the robbery. Persons wanting more information on the program may contact Little at moeberg2@roadrunner.com.