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November chamber meeting: Pathway donations, BCE Annual Report

The November 12 meeting of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce at town hall was emceed by board member Derek Dukes of Southgate Lanes and sponsored by the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs.

Dukes announced that posters for the November 27 Blaze of Lights will be distributed in the next few days. New in 2021, the chamber’s annual residential holiday lighting contest will have two divisions with three Bluffton Bucks prizes for each division--northwest and southeast of Main St. It was also noted that the chamber is still taking applications for its part-time CEO position.

Member announcements included the introduction of new member Lauren Samuel RDN, LD of Embrace Mind & Body Wellness. Samuel provides online nutrition counseling and is a graduate of the Bluffton University dietetics program.

The Bluffton Lions announced three major donations:

Bluffton Hospital $5,000

Citizens National Bank $10,000

The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation $75,000

With this funding, the Bluffton Lions Foundation and Bluffton Pathway Board will have secured the approximately $150,000 needed to build two new sections of pathway on County Line Rd. Lions Foundation President Dick Ramseyer noted that all pathway construction to date has been paid in full when transferred to the Village of Bluffton.

The program was an annual report by the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE) board president Cameron Warner. The BCE recognized 2020-2021 donors and members and reminded guests of the 2021 Bluffton Economic Update pamphlet (available online and in print form). Warner noted that the BCE will be meeting with both Allen and Hancock County organizations in coming weeks to discuss the organization’s role in economic development. The BCE is currently taking applications for a new Executive Director.

Chamber meetings are held on the second Friday of the month September-June. Most often, the meetings are held at Town Hall, 154 N. Main St. It is anticipated that the December 10 meeting will be held at Southgate Lanes, 9700 N Dixie Hwy.

For more information about the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, visit
