School board summary for February 28

On February 28 the Bluffton Board of Education held a regular meeting in the media center at Bluffton Elementary, 102 S. Jackson St. The following report includes highlights from the meeting. The full agenda packet is attached to this article. 


Dr. David Axner,  executive director of the Buckeye Association of School Administrators recognized Superintendent Greg Denecker for "Exceptional Service in Leadership to Ohio School Superintendents.” Presenting an engraved keepsake, Axner noted, “Greg would rather that I wouldn’t be here, but I am” and commended Denecker on his character and leadership efforts, community involvement, professional activity, and innovation.

Three students from Todd Boblitt’s Introduction to Engineering Design class at Bluffton High School made a presentation to the school board. Logan Criblez, Milo Combs and Nolan Hoffman displayed two projects, a laser cut and engraved tissue box covers and a 3D printed bobble head figure. There are eleven students in the class. The boys gifted covers to the school board members.


The board approved the establishment of funds and fund adjustments including a $45K grant toward a new bus and a safety grant, both funding opportunities that weren’t in existence at the beginning of the year.


Superintendent Denecker expressed his thanks to Larry Diller, who is retiring after 12 years of service as a bus driver. The board approved contracts for 11 substitute teachers and a bus diver. Supplemental contracts were approved for both 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 including 17 individuals coaching baseball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track and volleyball.


A $50 donation to the music department from the Class of 1973 was accepted.


High school principal Mike Minnig’s report included that 217 students on A and A/B honor roll. Guidance Counselor Dr. Elizabeth Smith took 21 sophomores to visit the Apollo Career Center; 15 have signed up to attend next year.

Maintenance supervisor Mike Wilson noted that diamond sports are underway and the staff is looking forward to putting away winter equipment.

Middle school principal Josh Kauffman noted that two new bus drivers will begin work soon. The first dance in recent years was held with 200 attending.

Elementary principal Ben Thiel reported that the Quiz Bowl team has been making good progress under the guidance of Jamie Shaw. An April 1 PTO science night is being planned. It will be held in multiple rooms to manage crowds.

Technology director Marty Herr said that the schools are using half the available bandwidth and that the inventory of Chromebooks is performing well. The school website is being moved from SchoolPointe to Finalsite

Superintendent Greg Denecker reported:

FinalForms online service has been implemented beginning with Kindergarten registration for Fall 2022. The May 3 election will include a renewal levy. When asked if the polling place will return to the schools, Denecker said that the location is available.


Board member Jeremy Scoles asked for a review of the grief counseling provided at the middle school after student Lane Rossman died following a long illness. Denecker explained that local agencies provide grief counselors and therapy dogs. The recent response was led by Rick Skilliter who was notified at 7:45 a.m. and had a team including trained grief counselors, youth pastors, and retired administrators at the school within an hour. It was noted that student participation is voluntary.

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