Summary of April 11 Village council meeting
The April 11 Regular Meeting of the Bluffton council began with a moment of silence for Officer Dominic Francis, as requested by council member Jerry Cupples. Mayor Johnson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance before beginning action with approval of the minutes of the prior meeting.
The following is an overview of the meeting with the full packet attached below.
Among the bills (approved unanimously) were three purchases of land for parking. Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn noted that these were 3 of 13 lots planned for purchase with six approved by council to day.
Chief Ryan Burkholder was present with seven members of his department to express their appreciation of the support of the mayor and the council, as well as the “overwhelming support of the communities in this area during this difficult time.” Officers who were able to be present were there to show “we know you’ve got our back.”
Chad Cupples addressed council proposing that a blue line be painted between the double yellow lines in the center of Bluffton’s Main St. from College to Elm to show support for the police department and to commemorate the life of Officer Dominic Francis.
He said that this has been done in other communities including Wapakoneta.
Council asked the village solicitor to investigate the permissions that would be needed for this portion of State Route 103 and expected to have information by the next meeting (April 25).
Tree Commission / Ben Stahl: The commission recommended that Radha Tague and Leo (Layo) Herrera be appointed to the commission; being members of the same household it was recommended that they be given one vote. The mayor made the appointment with unanimous support of council.
Discussion of tree planting and removal included the note that sourcing trees is currently difficult. On Arbor Day a new oak will be planted at the Village Arboretum to make up for oaks lost to AEP clearance in the utility right of way. Council member Joe Sehlhorst suggested that planting trees along Main St. should be prioritized
Pathway Board / Ben Stahl: The board is looking for replacements for Dick Ramseyer and Laura Voth. Mitch Kingsley has been appointed as president pro tem. Jenny Pilarowski has joined the board.
Several items were passed unanimously with no discussion:
- Establishing swimming pool positions and wages (3rd reading)
- Authorizing advertising for bids for Jackson and Lawn water main replacement project (2nd reading; by emergency)
Advertising for bids on SR 103 sanitary improvements project (2nd reading; by emergency)
Authorizing paving of portions of SR 103 between I-75 interchange ramps 140 and 142 by ODOT. (1st reading; by emergency)
Three resolutions were approved accepting the minutes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 tax incentive review regarding Diamond Manufacturing of Bluffton enterprise zone agreements (first readings; by emergency).
Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn and Assistant Village Administrator Bryan Lloyd presented updates including the following:
Bid openings for the Lawn and Jackson St. water main project and SR 103 sanitary replacement will be advertised for three weeks beginning April 21.
Applications are being accepted for lifeguards and assistant managers at the Community Pool. Applications are available at Town Hall, 154 N. Main.
- With weather expected to be above freezing, park bathrooms should be open and drinking fountains turned on in the next week or so.
Hydrant flushing will begin the week of April. Residents can expect some water discoloration as stagnant water is pulled out of the system.
Repairs are being made and pursued at the water treatment plant.
The SR 103 lift station is experiencing excessive grease build-up. Fixes are being tried and pursued; enforceable grease trap legislation needs to be created.
The village attended the first of three Complete Streets: Action Institute Workshop with three other Ohio communities. Bluffton is in the kickoff group for this program.
Council recommended and Mayor Johnson approved the appointment of 10 individuals to serve as members on a Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee:
- Jesse Blackburn
- Jannie Derstine
- Tom Downey
- Joan Frederitz
- Liz Gordon-Hancock
- Neil Hauenstein
- George Lehman
- Brendan Matthews
- Lynda Nyce
- Steve Ritter
- Paula Scott
The mayor received three special event applications with street closures which were approved by council:
- Annual Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club Trout Derby, 2-4:30 p.m. on May 1 at Buckeye Quarry
- Graduation street party on Vine by Greenhorn LLC from noon to 6:00 p.m. on May 7. The event will include alcohol sales.
- Memorial Day Parade, 9:15-9:30 on May 30; coordinated by American Legion Post 382
Johnson thanked everyone who participated in the funeral service for Officer Dominic Francis and thanked those who filled in for the village during that time. He thanked the town for pulling together. Special thanks will be sent to all of the first responder agencies that came to assist on March 31.
The decorations in front of Town Hall will stay up for the month. The blue lights on the clock tower will be up “as long as we’d like,” said Johnson. The American Legion will keep the “Blue Line” flags on Main Street for the entire year.
Blackburn noted that Mayor Johnson answered and returned all calls that came in regarding the death of Officer Francis.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
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