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Going, going, gone

The landscape at the corner of Garau and Harmon changes daily as hospital contructions is underway. Here is a view of the Garau Street house going down earlier in the project. (Diane Stratton photo)

MMH offers volunteer opportunities this summer for teens

"Mennonite Memorial Home is fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers. Each summer we welcome teenagers, age 15 and older, to share their time, talent and enthusiasm with our residents and staff in the MMH Volunteen program, said Mary Ann Ring, MMH director of volunteeer services.

The MMH Volunteen program encourages local teens to serve their community and have a meaningful experience in a nursing home setting.


Batter up! Bluffton to host an 1860's-style baseball game

Note: Dan Groman provided us with the following information. We thought it best to print it the way he explained it.

As a part of the week-long celebration (in the summer of 2011), Bluffton will host a baseball game using the rules from 1860. No gloves allowed, no running past first base (or you could be tagged out), and you can catch the ball on one bounce in the outfield for an out.


BHS alumni basketball tourney May 23

Don't miss it! On Sunday, May 23, is a Bluffton High School boys' basketball alumni tournament. The event is open to the public and will begin at 8 a.m. in the high school gym. Admission is $2 and the proceeds will go to the Lil' Pirates to help subsidize summer camp costs.


They will obtain 150,000 shots!

Bluffton basketball is promoting a shooting campaign this spring and summer for any boy from grades 3-12. The goal is to make 150,000 shots as a program.

The participants from April follow:
Rhett Donaldson (3rd grade) 450 makes
Logan Rhodes (3rd grade) 1,333 makes
Cole Fruchey (4th grade) 4,485 makes
Kaden Reneker (4th grade) 1,108 makes
Gabe Denecker (5th grade) 8,272 makes
Matt Gillett (10th grade) 5,200 makes
Program total to date: 20,848 makes


Water and sewer rates going up; Spring Street bridge work begins soon

Water and sewer rates for Bluffton residents will increase 5 percent in August. Bluffton council approved the first of three readings of the ordinance increase at the May 10 council meeting. The meter readings taken in July and billed in August will reflect the new rates.

It appears that by November the Spring Street bridge will again be open to vehicular traffic. Council approved a bid from U.S. Bridge to replace the bridge. The new bridge will be a structural steel truss bridge.

