May 7 is opening day for Bluffton Farmers Market

Saturday mornings in Bluffton will be busier starting May 7 with the opening of the Bluffton Farmers Market for the 2022 season. The market operates from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of Citizens National Bank, 102 S. Main St. It runs from the first Saturday of May to the last Saturday of October.

Manager Greg Probst, who is also a maple syrup vendor, notes that there are 21 full-year vendors signed up already. That's one and a half times more than last year. Full-year vendors are assigned a spot for the whole season. For those still interested in joining the market, you can sign up for the week for $12. Additional vendors will expand into the adjacent parking lot on Jackson St.

Farmers markets, as defined and regulated by the State of Ohio, are open to vendors with fresh, high quality fruits, vegetables, herbs, cut flowers, bedding plants, potted plants, and other agricultural products may be sold. All home-produced products (jams, jellies, baked goods, etc.) must comply with Ohio cottage foods rules (fact sheet ). The market has its own requirements for insurance and deadlines for applications. For more information visit

As temperatures warm up, the market will also have live music on selected dates. As in past years, there are no pets allowed in the market.