Photo-story: Time for an Arts & Craft Show

Last Saturday, June 4, was high time for a Bluffton Arts & Craft Show. After two gap years, the event returned in a new location and with a new host: Blended Roots at 246 Cherry St. and the neighboring grassy area along Little Riley Creek.

Bluffton had hosted 48 annual craft shows until 2020, making it one of the oldest craft shows in the state. 2022 would have been the 50th year for the event, but COVID put the event on ice for a couple of years. Jewelry vendor Kat Luginbuhl and her mom Karen talked about how she was a third generation of the family to be in the craft show. Her grandfather Darvin and father Gregg were at the first event and brought their pottery wheels along to demonstrate how they made their wares by hand.

Local vendor Linda Renee Pottery was also there, meeting customers in person who may have only seen her work on Facebook or Etsy. Other returning vendors were Gilmore Creek Outfitters with hand made--even hand stitched--leather goods and Merrill Marie Soapworks from Findlay. Vendors and the pony rides seemed suited to the tree-lined space and comfortable footing.

Among new vendors visited by the Icon were 3 Oaks engraved wood home accessories, Hand + Home Co. handmade soaps, lotions and candles, and 1 Creative Director marbled art and clocks.

Shoppers also had a variety of food and drink to enjoy, as well as the opportunity to shop inside Blended Roots, where more than 50 vendors are always on display.

It was a great opportunity to enjoy a day of perfect weather. While the show has traditionally been on Mother's Day weekend, the new June date brought a much higher chance of warm, summery weather. It turned out to be a glorious day to spend in Bluffton.