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Opinions and ideas welcome for Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow

The Village of Bluffton wants to know your ideas for “Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow.” Those engaged in the community, including residents, employees, are invited to complete an online survey HERE.

The survey is brief and uses check boxes and lists to speed up the experience. The questions aren’t hard. What do you love about Bluffton? What needs improving?

What would you prioritize when it comes to investing time, effort, money and land?

The results will help the Village of Bluffton create a planning document that in turn will help the community apply for funding.

The survey will be distributed online and at local events. You can pass along the survey with the attached QR code or send the URL above to your friends, neighbors and family in the area.

The Icon will also post the survey link on social media and on while the survey is open.

What ideas do you have for Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow?
