Summer Family Day at the Quarry Farm, June 25

You're invited: "Bring yourself, friends and family for an afternoon of woodland fun at The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm during the 2022 Summer Family Day on Saturday, June 25."

The rural Pandora nature preserve will be open to visitors from 1 to 4 p.m., when you can see the 1853 log cabin, learn about birds, insects and who to attract them, and visit residents of the farm animal sanctuary.

Refreshments will be available. Admission to the event is free; tax-deductible donations are welcome. For more information, visit or email [email protected].

How to get there
The Family Day starting point will be the Seitz Family Pavilion, 1/8 mile north of 14321 Road 7L, Pandora.

Mission Statement
It is [the Quarry Farm} goal and mission to provide the opportunity for people of all ages to increase their understanding of the natural environment of Northwest Ohio and to interact with their fellow inhabitants in a sustainable manner.