Public comment sought for Lima-Allen County transportation plan

Lima, OH--Lima Allen County Regional Planning (LACRPC) is a US EPA 1997 Ozone Standard “Orphan” Area. Therefore, LACRPC’s current 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan must have a new conformity determination.

Even though LACRPC’s current 2040 Plan is a conforming plan, with an update cycle every five years, a new conformity determination must occur every four years.

The 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan includes a list of 137 projects, resulting in over $238.5 million in infrastructure investment. Projects include roadway resurfacing, bridge replacement, intersection enhancements, technology upgrades, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements, and others.

No new capacity-adding projects have been added to the 2040 Long- Range Transportation Plan since approved on August 16, 2018.

The public is encouraged to comment on the draft Transportation Conformity Report until the close of business on Friday, July 22, 2022. Comments can be submitted by email to [email protected], by phone at (419) 228-1836, or in person during regular business hours at LACRPC’s office located at 130 W. North Street, Lima, Ohio.

More information is available on LACRPC’s website:

The document is available here