Garden club hosts native plants program July 5
The Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area (GBPA) are inviting the public to a lecture given by Dave McPheron of Star Farms-Native Plants.
- Tuesday, July 5
- 6:30 p.m.
- Bluffton Community Garden – 9900 block of S. Main St.
The event is free. From the organizers: "PLEASE bring a chair and a friend."
The club meets in Bluffton the first Tuesday of the month from March through December to discuss and hold outings related to gardening.
The event is also an opportunity to view the community gardens where plots can be rented. See the group's Facebook page for more information.
The Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area has been meeting for over 50 years to enjoy presentations on a wide variety of gardening topics, share knowledge with one another, exchange plants, take garden and farm tours, and enter competitive showmanship of vegetables and flowers.
From the club's Facebook page: "We have a good time and learn so much from one another. The club meets regularly at the Bluffton Public Library, where our meetings are open to the public. We encourage visitors to become members so they can enjoy tours and other activities."
In the attached photo, the Bluffton Fire Department is at the Community Garden, assisting with the filling of a 350-gallon container, which is being repurposed. It originally held ketchup.