Complete Streets safety survey now available

How can Bluffton be a safer place for people to walk, bike and drive?

The Bluffton Complete Streets Committee is working to make walking and biking easier and safer in Bluffton. Its goal is to enhance safety and facilitate movement in the village for all who use the streets, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. 

The committee is preparing a Complete Streets Policy to show Bluffton’s commitment to this vision. A “complete street” has elements such as pedestrian improvements, trees and green space, bike and traffic improvements, and accessible walkways.

Establishing a Complete Streets Policy has benefits to the economy, environment and health of community residents. While the committee has great ideas for Complete Streets in Bluffton, the members want to hear from the public.

The quick, 6-minute survey lets you tell the committee what you would like to see. Your input will help prioritize future projects.

Paper surveys are available at Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main, and Town Hall, 154 N. Main.

You can scan the QR code on the image below with your smart phone or click the link above.

For more information please contact  Village Admiinistrator Jesse Blackburn at 419-358-2066 or Bri Buzard with Allen County Public Health at 419-228-4457 ext. 168.


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