Summary of July 25 council meeting

By Andy Chappell-Dick

The Bluffton Council meeting of July 26 had a light agenda but the gallery was packed when the meeting commenced at 7:00 p.m. A robust public call to account for a pressing matter of local import? Not tonight. Rather, most were on hand as friends and family of Austin Probst, who was to be sworn in to the Bluffton Police Department as a part-time patrol officer.

Council packet attachment

First, Mayor Johnson shepherded Council through voting on the last meeting's minutes and paying the village bills. In the public comment time slot, he invited two guests forward: local Republican staffer Cam Warner introduced J.J. Sreenan, who spoke briefly about his candidacy in the upcoming primary for the new 78th Ohio House district.

The only committee report was from Joe Sehlhorst, who summarized two meetings of the Streets, Lights, Alleys and Sidewalks Committee.  At the first, the committee deliberated extending special permission to Kira Kohli to retain her restaurant's sidewalk vestibule. Finding no issues, they recommended approving an extension, which Council did, 5-0.

Also discussed were safety issues around Jackson Street, between the Elementary School and First Mennonite Church--a discussion to be continued at future meetings. Improvements at the corner of College Avenue and County Line Road will be incorporated when the Pathway project passes that point in 2023.  

The second meeting focused on the Bentley Road-Main Street Realignment project, and a vacant property at that corner. The owner intends to build a house in the coming years, and there is some debate as to where the driveway will be located.

Police Chief Ryan Burkholder asked that Council hire Austin Probst, which they approved 5-0. Mayor Johnson led the swearing-in ceremony and Probst received a hearty round of applause from the panel and members of the public. All Council members and administrators stood to form a circle of welcoming handshakes for the new patrolman.

Assistant Administrator Bryan Lloyd gave the report for his department.  He highlighted a few items that have appeared numerous times in previous reports. Noteworthy was an announcement that bids for the Bentley Rd. intersection project will be opened on August 16, and Lloyd was expecting good participation by contractors.

Fire Chief Jon Kinn remarked that although there had been some outcry over the amount of fireworks shot off in the village over several days earlier this month, the Fire Department had heard no complaints and were not called. State regulations have changed recently and the public is encouraged to know these laws and be safe. 

Chief Burkholder called attention to his detailed reports, printed in the council packet, of policy activity in the past month and cumulative numbers for the year. He also included information about the new 988 phone line for national access to suicide and mental health crisis intervention.

Chief Ryan requested a short executive session of Council and Mayor to discuss personnel matters, so they departed for the adjoining meeting room.

Even though it was only 7:30, the room emptied quickly, including this reporter.

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