Tomatoes are the subject of Community Garden talk

At 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2, you can join local garden club members to learn about tomatoes from Master Gardener Stewart Coats of Hardin County. 

Coats will talk about starting, growing, soil conditions and disease control of tomatoes. Last year, Mr. Coats raised 1,600 pounds of produce for donation, and aims to beat that amount this year. Along with tomatoes, he grows onions, cucumbers, squash and more for donation, making him a great resource for anyone who has questions about growing those summer veggies.

Bluffton's Community Garden is located in the 9900 block of S. Main St.  The entrance is at the "Welcome to Bluffton" sign.

Garden Club members will also be on hand to answer other gardening questions. Their invitation notes, "Please bring a chair and a friend."