Children's choir auditions for Christmas season

ADA⎯Noteworthy Community Choir is holding auditions for Voices, a children's choir, on Thursday, September 15 from 7:00 -8:40 p.m. Group auditions of 20 minutes each will run children through a few warmups, singing “Are You Sleeping” in unison and as a round, and a few pitch matching exercises. 

Voices will rehearse Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on October 20, November 3, 10, 17, and December 1 and 8.  A concert is scheduled for December 11. Children participating in Voices will be given music files to sing along with between the audition and the first rehearsal.  

Rehearsals will be held at the studio at 2613 State Route 81, Ada. If you cannot make the auditions, please call to schedule an individual time. 

Tuition is $70 for the Christmas season. Please contact NCC at [email protected], or 419-679-8259.

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