Citizens National Bank customer appreciation day Sept. 16

Area residents and businesses are invited to the Citizens National Bank Customer Appreciation Day event from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.  on Friday, September 16 at the 102 S. Main St. office in Bluffton.

Free lunch from Bubba C BBQ including a sandwich, 2 sides, water and a cookie, will be served in the parking lot, weather permitting. See a CNB employee to receive a coupon for a free meal. Attendees may also enter to win a variety of door prizes.

The bank hosts this annual event as a way to show appreciation for its customers, but hadn’t been able to since 2019. “We really look forward to spending time with our customers. It’s great to get back to offering this type of in-person event,” says Steve Ritter, Sr VP Bluffton City Executive.

Citizens National Bank is a community bank with a special focus on small business and agriculture.