Mount Cory celebrates Sesquicentennial

Historical summary below festival events

The village of Mount Cory was established in 1872 and on Saturday, September 17, the community will be celebrate its Sesquicentennial.  A parade and festival will mark the 150th Anniversary of its founding.

2:00 p.m. - Sesquicentennial Parade (Legacy Coop to Village Park)
3:00-5:00 p.m. - Romick’s Railway rides
3:00-6:45 p.m. - Baskets-Prize Raffle in park Community Building
3:00-7:00 p.m.

  • Food Trucks
  • Craft Booths
  • Children’s Games
  • Bounce House
  • Touch - a – Truck
  • 150th Anniv. T-shirt sales & orders in Comm. Bldg.
  • Souvenir Book orders in Comm. Bldg.
  • Historical Displays and Video in Comm. Bldg.

3:30 p.m. - Hancock Co. Sheriff’s K-9 demonstration
4:00-6:00 p.m. - Ted’s Chicken BBQ (tkts pre-sold) in Comm. Bldg
4:00-7:00 p.m. - Live Music featuring the band MISKellaneous
4:30 p.m. - Air Ambulance Landing (subject to emergency call)
6:30 p.m. - 50/50 Raffle drawing
6:45 p.m. - Baskets-Prize drawing
7:00 p.m. - Centennial Time Capsule opening from 1972

Those who wishing to have a food truck or craft tent at the event should call
Lisa Welch at 419-477-5267 as soon as possible.

The Sesquicentennial Celebration is being presented by the Mount Cory United Methodist Church and the Mt. Cory, Ohio Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee.  Event Sponsors include Visit Findlay, Bluffton Auto Repair Center, DNC Hydraulics LLC, Snap-On Alex Dean, StandOut Creative Studio, Tom Ahl Family Dealerships, Bluffton Alignment & Tire Center and Bluffton Mini-Storage.


• Village platted by Mathias Markley and Samuel Kumerer in 1872 in Union Township of Hancock County and was incorporated in 1887 with a population of about 300.

• Population remained stable for the first 100 years, with 309 residents in 1972 .The population in 2022 is 229.

• At its founding, the village faced promising prospects because it was on a railroad right of way and was a natural marketplace for those who farmed the rich soil surrounding it.

• Oil was located near the village in 1890 and the oil boom reached its height 4 years later. There was a large supply depot where pipe, cables, timber for derricks and other needs of the drillers could be obtained.  The depot was located where the present Legacy Co-op Elevator stands.

• At the height of the boom, it is estimated that more than 500 wells were drilled in the area.  By the late 1890s, however, the flow of liquid gold slowed substantially and the village settled into its primary role of serving as a market place for surrounding farmers.

• During World War II, rationing kept the food store and hardware store business alive but shortly after the war ended with the automobile making travel easier, customers gradually turned to larger stores in larger nearby towns and the food store and the hardware store closed.

• For further information,  a 72 page history of the village titled “Mount Cory’s Yesterdays and Todays for Tomorrow” written by Evelyn Falk in 1972 is available.

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