Federal funds awarded for Safe Communities Grant in Allen County

The Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission (LACRPC) has received federal traffic safety funding in the amount of $46,200.00 from the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 to fund a Safe Community Grant.

During the federal year October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023, the LACRPC will target reducing the incidence of traffic crashes that all too frequently result in serious injury and even death.

The funds are passed through ODPS from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to support the efforts of safety partners statewide and focus on traffic safety priorities such as restraint use, impaired and distracted driving, as well as motorcycle safety and other data driven traffic safety problems.

The FFY 2023 competitive grant process solicited grant proposals from state agencies, non-profit organizations, colleges, universities, hospitals, political subdivisions, and other interested groups within selected Ohio counties and jurisdictions. These funds will enable the LACRPC and its partners to continue to work together to reduce serious traffic crashes in Allen County. 

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