October 8 bird count at The Quarry Farm

PANDORA—October 8 is October Big Day, the first day of the international effort known as Global Bird Weekend. (There is also a May Big Day.)

Want to participate? You can join birders Deb Weston and David Smith at 9:00 a.m. at The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm. Hike to record the species that you see in the nature preserve.

The complete list will be submitted to ebird.org to join the global team and help set a new record for birding. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.

The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm is located 1/8 mile north of 14321 Road 7L. For more information, visit www.thequarryfarm.org, The Quarry Farm on Facebook and Instagram.

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