Natural Gas Aggregation program for unincorporated areas on Nov. 8 ballot

The Board of Allen County Commissioners is asking voters in unincorporated areas of the county to approve a Natural Gas Aggregation program on the November 8 general election ballot. The program would offer the opportunity for residents and small  businesses in these unincorporated areas to save money on their utility costs. (See attached sample ballot for Richland Township.)

Ohio Law allows political subdivisions to form aggregated buying groups to purchase natural gas supply on behalf of their citizens.

Through a County aggregation program, the residents of the unincorporated  area of the county will be able to gain buying power and, thereby, be able to negotiate a better price for their natural gas than each household or small business would be able to individually. 

Under Ohio law, the aggregation program must be placed on the ballot and passed by a majority of  voters before it can be established. Once passed, all eligible residents and small businesses (who use  less than 500 MCF of natural gas) will be enrolled, and after some months of setting up the  program, begin receiving the discounted energy price under the program. Residents do not need to  do anything to join the program.

Anyone who does not want to participate in the program  would be able to opt out in the beginning simply by returning a form that will be mailed to all eligible members, or at any other time. There are absolutely no fees or cost for leaving the program at any time. 

Residents in the program would still receive bills from Dominion East of Ohio and will not receive a  separate bill from the natural gas supplier. Should the program has been approved by the voters, the County Commissioners will hold two Public Hearings to explain the program and answer any questions.

The County would then go out to bid with interested natural gas suppliers.  When the contract has been awarded, reviewed and signed the supplier who won the contract will send out an opt-out letter to all eligible citizens.  

Natural gas aggregation will do nothing to affect the cost of propane. But a yes vote for natural gas aggregation will assist others in Allen County. 

If this ballot initiative passes on November 8, 2022 in Allen County, residents won’t likely see a  change in their natural gas bills until the Fall of 2023.

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