Online version of Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow community engagement

Results of July online survey below; final poll HERE

Couldn't make it to the October 19 Community Engagement Open House at Bluffton Middle School? There is now an online version of the dot polls and poster questions from this event.

Organizers at the Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission shared, "Thank you to all those who attended the Community Engagement Open House. With the help of close to 100 adults and a dozen or so youth, a good time was had by all, and lots of great ideas and feedback were exchanged.

"If you weren’t able to stop in and share your thoughts on the 19th, please take a moment and complete the final survey now! This is your LAST CHANCE to give input before the Bluffton: Beyond Tomorrow Plan is finalized! Help Bluffton create a Vision for its future that fits the needs of all of its people."

Follow this link to access the survey:

The survey will be open until November 9, 2022.

The survey above is a followup to the July 2022 survey, which had the following results:

  • 638 respondents
  • 373 villagers
  • 152 work in Bluffton


A small, friendly, close-knit community with a charming downtown.


Some respondents believe Bluffton can be a difficult community for outsiders to feel welcome.


More than 50% of respondents would pay more taxes to support schools and parks & recreation.


Respondents asked for more land use dedicated to restaurants (55%), natural space/parks (52%), entertainment (49%).


More than 70% of respondents desire faster Internet.


Most survey respondents (61%) supported additional housing in Bluffton, espcially for [those] earning less than the median household income of $69K.


About 52% of the respondents are in favor of annexing land into the village.

These activities are part of Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow steering committee activities coordinated by the Village of Bluffton.

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