Agenda for November 21 Board of Education meeting

The Board of Education of the Bluffton Exempted Village Schools will hold a regular meeting in the Elementary Media Center at 7:30 p.m. on November 21, 2022.

The agenda includes

- Involvement of visitors

- Treasurer’s Transactions including a Five Year Forecast

- Contracts, Assignments, & Etc.:

Substitute Teacher at $95.00 per day taught:

MaKayla Curry, Luke Erford, Lindsey Capps, Tiara Douce, Cary Hengstler, Heather Baldwin, Lillian Tate, Brista Drake, Elizabeth Dunahay, Jodi Conley, Martin Jacobs, Brayden Sautter, Amy Cantrell, Tiffany Gallant, Erin Stark, Lillian Brautigam

Substitute Educational Aide Contract at $12.00 per hour worked: Tiffany Gallant

Substitute Cafeteria Worker Contract at $11.50 per hour worked: Tiffany Gallant

Long Term Substitute (20 days at $95.00; balance at BA-0 rate): Leslie Liberato 

Classified Contracts:

Martin Grace – Part-time Cafeteria Worker, Step 1, $14.03 Per Hour, 3.5 Hours Per Day

Chasity Taylor – Part-time Cafeteria Worker Step 1, $14.03 Per Hour, 3.5 Hours Per Day

Jill Wilson – Part-time Cafeteria Worker, Step 1, $14.03 Per Hour, 3.5 Hours Per Day

Student Teaching Assignments: Rachael Harbaugh– Ohio Northern University with Nicholas Rackley, January 30 through May 12, 2023

Supplemental Contracts:    

Freshman Girls Basketball, Jessica Grandey

Assistant High School Boys Basketball, Tyler Rosendale

Head Middle School Wrestling, Michael Doty

Volunteer High School Assistant Wrestling, Jeffrey Kleman

Volunteer High School Assistant Wrestling, Tyrel Nuzum

Volunteer Middle School Wrestling, Matthew Nuzum

Assistant Middle School Basketball Cheerleader Advisor, Sidnie Koontz

- Resolution to advertise and receive bids for the purchase of 1 school bus. 

- Resolution to advertise and receive bids for a new roof on 5th grade section of the elementary.

- Donation approval and letter of appreciation to Ford B. Cauffiel for $5,000 for SOS Tutoring

- Hearing set for the Records Commission on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. to review the disposal of records as recommended by the treasurer (held in the superintendent’s office).

- 2023-2024 school year calendar 

- Administrative Reports

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