Hancock Park District hosts "Going Nuts: Open House" at Litzenberg Woods

FINDLAY--Mast producing trees, like walnut and hickory, were important to the McKinnis family and their neighbors. Not only was the wood used in many of their structures, the nuts of the black walnut, shagbark hickory, shellbark hickory, and butternut hickory were used in baking and making ink. Join Mrs. Boylan, a neighbor of the McKinnis family, in the kitchen as she shares samples of her walnut cookies and hickory nut bread to all who stop by.

  • Litzenberg Memorial Woods, McKinnis House. 1-4:00 p.m. on February 19.
  • All ages are welcome.
  • Free; registration is not required.

Litzenberg Memorial Woods is located at 6100 US RT 224, west of Findlay. For more information about other upcoming park programs and events, visit the “Programs & Activities Calendar” on our website, www.HancockParks.com or call the park office at 419-425-7275.

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