Ohio floriculture production dropped in 2022

Ohio floriculture was worth more than $240 million in 2022, according to the USDA NASS, Great Lakes Regional Field Office.

Ohio floriculture producers sold nearly $244 million worth of floriculture commodities in 2022. This was down 10 percent from the $269 million sold in 2021.

There was 25.2 million square feet of greenhouse used to produce floriculture crops in 2022, down from the 25.6 million square feet used in 2021.

Four hundred fifty-three producers in Ohio sold at least $10,000 worth of floriculture products last year, down from 512 the previous year. Most of the reduction in producers occurred in the $50,000 to $99,999 sales class.

The complete set of data, which includes statistics on type, pot size and price of individual floricultural crops, can be found in the NASS Quick Stats database at quickstats.nass.usda.gov.