July 1 small grains forecast for Ohio

Ohio’s 2023 winter wheat production is forecast at 41.8 million bushels, according to Ben Torrance, State Statistician, USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office. This report is based on conditions as of July 1, 2023. Some highlights of the Crop  Production Report follow:

The Ohio winter wheat yield is forecast at 76 bushels per acre, down 3 bushels from last year and unchanged from last  month’s forecast. As of July 2, five percent of the crop was harvested. The crop condition was rated 63 percent good to  excellent, compared with 57 percent at the same time last year.  

Oat yield in Ohio is forecast at 67 bushels per acre, down 3 bushels from the previous year. Oats were 86 percent headed as  of July 2, six percentage points ahead of last year and 1 point above the 5-year average. As of July 2, seventy-four percent  of the crop was rated in good to excellent condition, compared with 67 percent during the same time last year. 

Nationally, winter wheat production is forecast at 1.21 billion bushels, up 6 percent from the June 1 forecast and up 9 percent  from 2022. As of July 1, the United States yield is forecast at 46.9 bushels per acre, up 2.0 bushels from last month but  down 0.1 bushel from last year’s average yield of 47.0 bushels per acre. Area expected to be harvested for grain or seed  totals 25.7 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2023, but up 10 percent from last year. 

U.S. oat production is forecast at 49.9 million bushels, down 13 percent from 2022. Growers expect to harvest 794,000  acres for grain, unchanged from the previous forecast but down 11 percent from 2022. Based on conditions as of July 1, the  United States yield is forecast at 62.8 bushels per acre, 2.0 bushels below the 2022 average yield.