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Federal funding presentation at July 17 Bluffton school board meeting

By Paula Scott

The 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Bluffton Exempted Village Schools Board of Education on Monday, July 17 will include a public hearing regarding federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and Title I funds. In Ohio, federal Title 1 funds support supplemental instruction in reading and math.

The general public is welcome to attend the presentation and comment. School board meetings are held in the elementary school media center at 102 S. Jackson St.

The Bluffton Schools receive $60,127 in support of two Title I teachers in the elementary school, according to Superintendent Greg Denecker.

The Ohio Department of Education website explains that “The purpose of Title I is to provide all children ‘significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.’”

In March 2023, the School Board agenda provided the following Title I and IDEA funding update:

IDEA-Part B 2023 Special Ed. Grant  increased in the amount of $2,080.18 to be appropriated and spent as follows: Special Ed.–Teacher Salary 516-1237-111-9003 $ 2,080.18

Title I 2023 Targeted Assistance Grant decreased in the amount of $181.00 to be appropriated and spent as follows: Title I 2023 Targeted Assist-Teacher Salary  $ (181.00)

IDEA Early Childhood Special Education Grant – FY2023  increased in the amount of $8.97, to be appropriated and spent as follows: IDEA Early Childhood Sp. Ed.-Purchased Service 

Title II-A 2023 Improving Teacher Quality Grant increased in the amount of $238.19  to be appropriated and spent as follows: Title II-A 2023 Imp. Teach Quality-Purchase Serv.
