Ticket sales for BHS sports tournament play

Bluffton HIgh School Varsity Volleyball, Soccer, and Football teams will be starting their tournaments during the week of October 16. 

Tickets for all tournaments will be available online https://www.ohsaa.org/tickets, with adult price $8 and student price $5. Tickets will also be available at the gate for cash for $10.

Oct. 16 Volleyball home vs Ottawa Glandorf www.ohsaa.org/sports/volleyball 
6:00 p.m.

Oct. 18 Boys soccer home vs Old Fort www.ohsaa.org/sports/soccer 
6:00 p.m.

Oct. 19 Girls Soccer home vs. Mansfield Christian www.ohsaa.org/sports/soccer 
6:00 pm.

Oct. 27 Football home vs. TBD - www.ohsaa.org/sports/football

School passes are not accepted for these games; tickets must be purchased.

Prices will increase as teams advance in the playoffs. It will always be cheaper to purchase online. For up to date tournament information click on the links above.

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