Updated building codes effective March 1

Simplified codes cut 610,000 words

The state of Ohio has announced that the 2024 Ohio Building (OBC), Mechanical (OMC), and Plumbing Codes (OPC) rules go into effect on Friday, March 1, 2024 with significant reductions in both overall word count as well as regulatory restrictions.

With an overall reduction of more than 610,000 words, the state aims to streamline processes and make it easier for Ohio businesses to comply.

Under the direction of Lt. Governor Husted, Ohio’s Common Sense Initiative (CSI) was tasked with identifying sections of the OAC that are duplicative, unnecessary, or no longer used.

The entire 2024 Ohio Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Existing Building Codes, which were updated based on the 2021 International Model Codes, are available online. The Board of Building Standards is also making training resources available that highlight code updates. A one-hour recording video briefing is now available to the public that reviews the code changes. The program covers the new OAC format, online resources, and a summary of major content changes in the technical requirements, including new rules, new references, and new and revised content of significance.