Gary Wetherill selected as 2023 Citizen of the Year

Tickets are now on sale for the April 11 Citizen of the Year banquet; see below for details.

The Bluffton Lions Club is pleased to announce that the 2023 Citizen of the year is Gary Wetherill. Wetherill’s commitment and personal sharing of his many skills, support and expertise have indeed impacted Bluffton in many ways.

Wetherill has nearly fifty years of continuous service at The Et Cetera Shop. He has served on the board of directors and prices donated antiques and collectibles. 

As volunteer and Assistant Scoutmaster to Bluffton Troop 256 for more than 30 years, Wetherill has mentored many Eagle Scout projects and organized troop members in an Indian Village as part of Bluffton’s 125-year celebration.  He has given many local, regional and national presentations on Native American culture. For over 20 years he was co-director of a council-wide Order of the Arrow Dance Team that won numerous competitions at the national convention.

Since 2001, Wetherill has been very active on the board of the Swiss Community Historical Society, serving as board president and in many other roles.

A member of First Mennonite Church since 1974, Wetherill has served on church council, various commissions and committees, and helped plan two community-wide “Come to the Stable” Advent events.

An event honoring Wetherill will be held at 6:00 p.m. on April 11, at the Kreider Room in Marbeck Center (Bluffton University). 

The public is invited, and tickets may be purchased from John Rich (419-358-5405) or Barbara Plaugher (419-204-2242).

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